
Tom Gruber- co-founder, siri

Tom Gruber  is an AI technologist, inventor, entrepreneur, and thought leader on the implications of artificial intelligence. He was cofounder, CTO, and head of design for the team that created Siri , the intelligent assistant acquired by Apple in 2010. Siri is now used more than 2 billion times a week in over 30 countries. At Apple, Tom led the Advanced Development Group, which developed new capabilities to bring intelligence to the interface. Tom’s research at Stanford in  ontology engineering helped lay the groundwork for the Semantic Web . He invented HyperMail , the open-source software that turns email conversations into collective memories. He pioneered the space of Collaborative Knowledge Management  — software that helps large communities of professionals contribute to and learn from a collective body of knowledge. He designed and built RealTravel, a  Collective Knowledge System that enabled travelers from around the world to share and learn from their collective travel experiences. He was a founding board member of the Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society and advisor for the Center for Humane Technology. Tom currently advises companies and organizations that use AI to have a positive impact on humanity.

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